Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 99: Master the Ask© - 5 Steps to negotiate raises, promotions, and job opportunities



How do we ensure that when we jump ship from one company to the next shiny opportunity, we are getting what we actually need from our employer? This requires an in-depth look at what will actually make your workflows more efficient, more productive, and more joyful.  People love structure - we can leverage this when asking for what we need. Structured asks give employers a sense of control, which helps to move them forward towards your goals. The more specific you are in what you ask for, the higher the likelihood you'll get what you want. By following 5 intentional steps, you can show up more fully and better advocate for your worth in the face of adversity. In this week's episode, we will take a deep dive based on our conversation from Episode 27 with Laura Fredricks. Ever wonder why some people can ask for something and get it, while others struggle? What if there's a formula that could improve your odds of getting a raise, increasing donor giving, or getting a promotion or job? Laura Fredricks,