Tales from the Cobblestones

Cosmic Creek Surf Fest



Cosmic Creek is a Surf Festival at Salt Creek, that honors surfboards from the psychedelic age. Specifically 70's to 80's Surfboards. The era from the single fin into the twin fin era. A celebration of the creative ingenuity that was going on at the time. A collection of 60 different surfboards at the beach. A chance for compedetors to feel the thrills and sensations of these artistic Surf crafts. A chance to unlock the secrets from the past. A chance to shine in front of peers, family and friends. It's simply the best day at the beach.  A Cosmic Surf Festival  presented by Vissla, with live music, art, live shaping, bodysurf devision where the whole beach participates..(brought to you by DA FIN). They had a floating solar system out in the water, A pumping south swell...more music that went on through he night. It was a great day.  Lots going down at Salt Creek. I got in early on the sign ups, so I had a blast and got a free shirt. I was curious about the history of the event so I reached out to Donald Brink