Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

Major role of social engagement in MS warrants new emphasis for clinical interventions - Ep41



Fast Takes - Episode 41 In this episode, Dr. Lauren Strober, senior research scientist in our Center for Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Research, talks about her peer-reviewed article, “Keeping it together: The role of social integration on health and psychological well-being among individuals with multiple sclerosis ” published on March 24, 2022, in the journal Health and Social Care in the Community. Funding Source: National Institutes of Health (grant number: K23HD069494) and the Robert E. Leet & Clara Guthrie Patterson Trust Learn more about: Dr. Lauren Strober, Center for Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Research, The peer-reviewed article at Co-authors: Elena M. Latinsky-Ortiz Tuned in to our podcast series lately? Join our listeners in 90 countries who enjoy learning about the work of Kessler Foundat