Environment China

Women in Sustainability Ep 2 - with Si Qing, co-founder of Eco Buyer (Chinese episode)



可持续女性系列第二期 - Eco Buyer创始人思晴 实在是听过到太多次"环保和可持续圈还是女生多”(也确实是事实),我们萌生了一个想法:那为什么不干脆做一系列在"可持续议题工作的女性”播客,一起来聊一聊她们独特又好玩的经历和故事,探一探她们所在行业的新鲜事呢? 第二期播客系列我们邀请到了”一棵Eco Buyer“的联合创始人思晴。Eco buyer是一家关心身体健康、动物福祉和地球环境的纯素、纯净美妆和植物基美食的集合店。店里只提供和推荐不含动物成分、不做动物测试的可持续纯素产品。我们在节目中将探讨: Eco Buyer的成立契机 两位创始人的日常 赛道转型:专攻纯素化妆品和植物基美食 Eco Buyer到底是怎么赚钱的 节目的最后,两位主播和嘉宾将共同探讨作为”可持续资深人士“的糟心瞬间和怨念;以及作为三档不同播客的主理人她们的播客制作经验分享。赶紧收听吧! You've likely heard there are more and more women in environmental and sustainability circles, which is indeed the case! This is the topic of Environment China's podcast series, Women in Sustainability, where we talk with unique and interesting experiences and stories of women across the sustainability field, and what's new in their industries. For the second podcast in the series, we invited Si Qing, co-founder of Eco Buyer. Eco Buyer is a collection of vegan, pure beauty and plant-based food that cares about health, animal welfare and the planet. The store only offers and recommends sustainable vegan products that are free