Aussie English

EP037: Interview - John's Australia (Advanced Level)



Vocab listed in order of appearance in the interview: G-rated – a rating for television programs or films. General audiences – all ages admitted. Frothies – beers, froth is the layer of bubbles on top. Sinking piss – to drink alcohol The old veebs – VB or Victorian Bitter, a common brand of Australian beer. Hitting the turps – to drink alcohol Bogan – a lower class Australian, often uncouth, rude, drinks and swears a lot. The bogan drawl – to slur your words together, mumble, speak with a thick accent To mumble – to say something quietly or indistinctly Dumb as hell – to be incredibly stupid Cluey – to be smart, to be clued-on A bad rap - unjustified criticism Piss – alcohol …and shit / …and stuff – …and things, “etc.” Not here to fuck spiders – not here to fuck around, not here to waste time Dry as a dead dingo’s donger – to be very dry, e.g. the desert is dry as a dead dingo’s donger (donger = slang term for penis). Flat out like a lizard drinking – to be doing something very quickly, trying