Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed CBD



Trinn Allen was told by doctors that he would never run again. His ankle was badly broken, giving him chronic, daily pain for which he was prescribed over 16 different meds and put on disability. Moreover, he was told he would need to have his ankle fused. After 5 years, unable to work and stuck in a never ending cycle of pain, Trinn pleaded with the Universe to help him heal. In that moment, he committed that in return for the wisdom to find his own healing he would spend the rest of his pain free life sharing this knowledge with as many others as would listen. Within two weeks, Trinn was led to find CBD and other plant medicines. Within two years he was medication-free, and now he is pain free and lives a normal pain-free life. This commitment to serve others has led to his life’s path: healing with plant medicine, and specifically Cannabinoids and Terpenes found in Hemp. His company is called Jampha, and it's their vision is to hold the energy of a collective goal for the planet to heal the world. They com