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This ABT Method makes viewers connect with you faster [feat. Park Howell]



We talk a lot about using storytelling to create videos that quickly create an emotional connection with viewers. When that happens, viewers watch longer, subscribe, and come back for more. However, it's equally important that our brand also quickly creates an emotional connection with viewers. Thankfully, the same tool, storytelling, helps us do that on a brand level for our channel just like it does on an individual video level. Park Howell, host of the Business of Story podcast, joins us today to share his ABT Method for how creators can quickly bring clarity to their brand and make it easy for people to feel something about them. LINKS MENTIONED - Learn more about Park Howell here: - Take Parks' course called, "The ABTs of Branding:" - Subscribe to the, "Business of Story," pdocast: CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Check out Caleb Ashton's channel, "Phoen