The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tim Lynch: 2020 in Review. That Ancient Greece and NZ Maori have a similar view of Mother Earth



I was scheduled for a final year interview but at the very last minute - it didn't happen, so this is an adlib broadcast which asks us to become mindful of that which surrounds us and to become conscious of the force that sustains our being. In today's broadcast I remind us that: Earth. A biosphere.A complex - subtly balancedLife - support - system. Et turtur nidum,Ubi reponat pullos suosAltaria tua Domine virtutum,Rex meus, et Deus meus (You will understand the above when you listen to the broadcast.)  Greetings to you all, from here in Nuclear Free New Zealand - and nearly GE & GMO Free NZ* - situated little over over 2000, kilometres from Australia in the South West Pacific Ocean and only 2.600 kilometres from the South Pole and the last major country to be colonised as well. So here we are in many ways isolated from the rest of our global kin. And what a year it was - and note … There is so much possibility … even in these tumultuous times