The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Robin Kelly MD: Covid Cover, 5G Deployment Govt Corporate Lockstep with Media Silence



Since this interview that took place on Monday 31st, we find that the CDC, the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention in the US have now stated that only 6% of US deaths have been from COVID19 alone. The other 94% had at least one other health issue at the time (or more) then along came the coronavirus that led to their death. This was basically due to their now weakened - immune system. This fact has been known to many people like ‘silenced' frontline doctors and activists for some time now - but denied or censored by omission by MSM, hence the uproar today -  as to question how large is this coverup by the so-called health ‘authorities?’    Tim covers this subject a little more at the end of this interview where he adds to this narrative. With regard to this Interview: It’s obvious that everything to do with vaccines, in particular, is difficult for all doctors - globally. The reason being is Big Pharma - as it controls both Medicine and Doctors, especially if they speak out on issues, specifically with a