The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Rod Oram: Focusing on our relationship with nature, because nature is our life support system



When asked about all the issues facing us he replies “what is our ecological relationship with each other and also with the planet as well?” He says he comes at that - not as to be perceived as a narrow ecological radical - but as somebody who thinks he’s getting to the heart of the issue of ‘what are we doing with our life support system?’ He says he is very aware and cognisant of the trends - the downward trends and the degradation we cause to ‘that’ life support system. And therefore - what we also need to do to turn that around and that this action will affect every aspect of our lives. That’s his essential focus and he states that he can take these issues down to (he trusts) to a very practical level and a here and now level - because it is ‘quite overwhelming’ … to have to think about the shear inter-dependence and the shear integration of all of these issues. Listening and Being Aware of Nature Though we produce huge amounts of waste by the 7.7 billion human inhabitants - Rod says that if we ‘listen’ t