The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Lisa Er & Tim Lynch: Choosing healthy options in a climate of despair and possibility



Tim opens that he knows mothers who are not allowing their young infants and children to be in the room during TV news. As it’s too violent and overwhelming for young sensitive minds. In today’s world, there is a need for them to play, acquire communication skills and keep their innocence for a little while longer. However Lisa, as a mother of 3 boys, thinks that around 9 years of age they need to understand a little more about what is happening in their world.  The question then comes up - Where do you source your news from? Especially international news? - (Russia Today) good for what is going on around our planet, but not necessary as to what is happening in Russia. CNN is not necessarily good anymore. Lisa, mentions El Jazeera - has some good things, but we realise it too has its weak points.  The Guardian - used to be relatively balanced but having a leftish viewpoint - that now having gone into the USA - has become very anti Russian so as to build up it’s US viewership.  Lisa said Guardian let J