The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Lisa Er: Survival Movement NZ - Is NZ and it's people resilient and motivated to cope with our uncertain future?



She has dedicated a Facebook page called ‘Survival Movement NZ’ and invites everyone to come and participate. This below is what Lisa leads with:   The world is in a dire state. Climate change is lapping at our doors. It is estimated that one fifth of the world’s population will become climate migrants, if they survive at all. Global food security will be severely impacted. With food shortages, food prices spike. There will be more floods, droughts, and forest fires. Sea level rise will affect many places around the country and houses will become uninhabitable. The world economy is unstable. At any time your local ATM could be shut and you could be unable to withdraw money. For how long you don’t know. World trade could collapse as money markets fail. If we don’t stop the widespread use of insecticides and herbicides the world will see an insect collapse in 100 years, which will cause the biosphere to collapse.. However our food supply will basically be destroyed at only a 75% loss. How will we survive the ne