The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Nicky Hager: New Zealand's renown investigative journalist. Can NZ become a truthful, transparent country?



Author of seven books Nicky is NZ's foremost investigative journalist - covering - intelligence networks, environmental matters, politics and other issues. Whose books have both illuminated and shocked readers across the country as well as globally  - as we as a nation find out to our consternation - that behind the news, the bureaucratic systems and the political world - truth is hidden from the masses on a grand and vast scale. He is the only New Zealand member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.   Their website A World First? To people reading this from overseas it was Nicky who in 1996, essentially 'revealed to the world community' that there was a huge secretive global listening system in place that was ‘hoovering’ up all global electronic communications. Be it telephone calls, emails, faxes, web pages, Google searches, etc and now including texts, Facebook, postings, Twitter feeds etc, etc - all are being recorded to gigantic overseas data bases. This incl