The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dr Paul Connett, Dr Vyvyan Howard & Declan Waugh: "Fluoride is a neurotoxin that reduces the IQ of children"



With fluoride being a neurotoxin, there is now, in total, around 377,655,000 million people worldwide drinking artificially fluoridated water. This represents 5% of the world’s population. Yet, there are more people drinking fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the world combined, with about one third to three quarters of the population now drinking it daily.  Trump that NZ! Today 50% of NZ tap water is fluoridated, a whopping 73% of Ireland and 10% of England and Spain as well. Science has known for a hundred years that fluoride suppresses thyroid function. Fetuses can be born without a thyroid gland at all but the mother will provide the hormone. The importance of the mother and what she takes into her body is very relevant.  Professor PJ Pop in the Netherlands - has a number of papers - and what is noticed is that there is