The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Chantelle Campbell: A solo parent bravely speaks out about the difficulties facing single parents



There are many myths about solo parents on the ’benefit’. These myths are perceptions that arise from stereotypes generated in public and private conversations. “Myths often appear highly plausible, and they may even hold a grain of truth. But they far from represent reality and can cause lasting harm. They allow the government and its welfare policies to be shielded from proper scrutiny and help explain why there is little public outcry as the safety net supporting many families and their children is progressively eroded.” Child Poverty Action Group 2013 Myths such as ‘the benefit’ is a lifestyle choice, or sole parents are teenagers who can’t be bothered working, are very damaging.In fact the majority of sole parents are between the ages of 25 and 64, and have had jobs, but need to be at home with their children for varying reasons. Just over 12% of sole parents are men. In 2013 there were 234,000 children growing up in fa