The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Greg Rzesniowiecki: How would it change the world, if the 9/11 Commission Report narrative is proven to be officially false?



Greg has written the detailed notes below on the subject. WHAT IS OFFICIAL INFORMATION? Ask yourself what it would mean if the forensic truth of the 9/11 event became Official Information? Were that to happen, then the arms of justice would be enabled to investigate, charge, and prosecute the perpetrators, and pronounce sentence. Why would that matter? Well it may serve as a valuable deterrent to those who would undertake similar criminality, from further acts. The whole basis of the criminal justice system is to deter crime.   TWO PROPOSITIONS: Would criminal discovery and prosecution with suitable penalties, appropriate to the crime of mass murder, deter further terrorism efforts by state and state associated actors?  One way to consider the question is to argue the opposite point by inferring that no criminal discovery or prosecution will deter further terrorism by state and st