The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Obsessed With Fetishes - MTP312



Co-Host Laurie Singer ( My guest Laurie Singer is a board-certified therapist who specializes in applied behavioral analysis. She literally wrote the book on obsessions and fetishes, which makes her the perfect guest for this long-overdue topic. According to Laurie, you have to learn to LIVE with your fetishes and obsessions. But wait a minute...doesn't that depend on whether they're socially acceptable and not harmful to others? So what IS a fetish, anyway? How is it different from an obsession? And is it necessarily an abnormality that needs to be fixed? Is it fair to ask men who prefer a certain kind of woman if they're fetishizing them? For example, is men having an 'Asian fetish' really a thing? Is it weird to think women's feet are sexy? What are some other feminine physical features we might think strange to find sexy, yet many more men do than we think? Not to be outdone, Laurie shares some truly unique stories about real-life cases she's encountered. And hey, wha