Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Mental Patterns that Control Your Business Results with Dr. Shannon Irvine



You may be holding yourself back when it comes to your business results and not even realize it. We all have repeated patterns - ways of thinking and acting – we’ve created throughout our lives. These patterns give us a glimpse into what’s going on automatically in our minds.  The problem is, these patterns don’t just affect one area of our lives. They pop up throughout all areas so that how you do one thing is going to be how you do all things. In other words, we can't expect to ignore patterns in one area of our lives and think we're going to dodge those patterns in our business. Ouch, right? The truth is, you can’t outperform your automations … but you CAN use them to your advantage!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, we’re going to talk about patterns, how they work, and how you can hack patterns and turn them into positive beliefs that become automatic responses. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: What patterns are and why they affect all areas of our lives.  Did you kno