Shane Plays

Grindhouse Cinema With Levi Combs of Planet X Games - Episode 259 - 7/18/2022



Grindhouse cinema with RPG publisher and cinephile Levi Combs. What is Grindhouse, and why is it called that? The market forces that led to the rise of Grindhouse theaters. Gritty movies, violent movies, Foreign movies, exploitation movies, Kung fu movies, BRUCEsploitation movies, more! New York City as a character in movies. Sho'nuff, The Shogun of Harlem can chew scenery on a level with Darth Vader. What’s Levi’s favorite fight scene in any movie, period? Is the first Friday the 13th movie a Grindhouse movie? Plus: The RPG adventures and ‘zines of Planet X Games… hear the call of the Skeleton of the Black Lake and behold the Big Eye Chungus! Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #259 - 7/18/2022 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories). Hey, you! Yeah, you! Buy cool stuff, support Shane Pl