What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#309 Robert Fritz- Creating Your Life As Art on The Path of Least Resistance



Join my Momentum Makers Inner Cirlce - Click HERE      Robert Fritz is an accomplished composer, filmmaker, and writer, and he is also an organizational consultant for some of the largest companies in the world.    Robert began to see that the very same process that creators use to create music, painting, sculpture, dance, drama, film, poetry and literature could be applied to the way people live their daily lives, that it is possible to approach the life building process in exactly the same way – as if it were a work of art. He went on to develop his first course to teach people to use the creative process in their lives and later began to train instructors in his approach. Since then, more than 80,000 people throughout the world have taken trainings developed by him.   His first book, The Path of Least Resistance, became an international bestseller. A true classic, it details how a person can utilize the creative process and the knowledge of structure to create their life according to their highest aspirati