Manifestation Babe

(#209) No more good girl with Majo Molfino



Hello, my beautiful souls! Welcome back to another episode of The Manifestation Babe Podcast. Thank you so much for being patient while I create my 16 week MBA course. I promise I will have more episodes for you soon!In today’s episode, I will be interviewing the author of Break The Good Girl Myth, Majo Molfino. In this book, Majo teaches us how to dismantle all the rules put on women through society, culture, and religion that cause good girl conditioning. I have personally been working on reconditioning these thoughts, and let me tell you guys, this runs deep! This is a new topic for this podcast, and I am SUPER excited about it! I have invited Majo on, so that she can share with us the WISDOM she shares in her book. Majo has a BEAUTIFUL way of explaining things and I can’t wait for you all to listen to her. So, without further ado, let's dive into this enlightening episode.    Majo Molfino is an Argentine-American author, designer, and women’s leadership expert. She is the host of the HEROINE podcast feat