Manifestation Babe

(#206) Worthiness, nervous system regulation and conscious capitalism with Renee Reese



Hello, my gorgeous souls! I hope you are having an AMAZING day! Today, my guest is the WORTHINESS QUEEN herself, Renee Reese. My girl comes through with all the things around worthiness, and everything that will help you become a better, faster, and stronger manifester. I absolutely loved this conversation with attorney turned worthiness queen, Renee. She is truly a special soul doing major work on this planet at this time. In this episode, we talk about money, worthiness, nervous system regulation, and trauma release. We also talk about capitalism and how we can make capitalism a more conscious system that works for all of us. I cannot wait for you to listen to this conversation!   Renee Reese is a transformational writer, speaker, teacher, Worthiness Queen™, founder of the Worthy & Wealthy brand and an innovator in the personal development industry. As a kid, she always had her nose in a book, ready to learn or get lost in another world. As an adult, with the same love of learning, she consistently lea