Manifestation Babe

(#97) Life AFTER Breast Implant Illness. Is Explanting Just A Trend?



Over the last 6 weeks I have been in major recovery after having my breast implants removed. I have been healing my body from the inside out and doing research and tests to understand exactly what I need to do to fully come back to my health. The journey has been UNBELIEVABLE and the changes I have experienced after having my breast implants removed have left me speechless. I recently shared an episode (#88) talking about all the symptoms I had BEFORE my surgery. I highly recommend listening to that one first if you haven’t already! This episode I’m sharing with you today is my journey AFTER surgery and how my life has been post-op. I think you will be just as shocked as I was when you hear how much has changed. I also answer a very frequently asked question, “Can you MANIFEST your symptoms away?” In this episode I share my true perspective on it. These episodes are not meant to scare you! I’m simply sharing my story and I have made a promise to always remain authentic and transparent with you. This is my st