Manifestation Babe

(#85) Wealthy Now or Wealthy Later? The TRUTH About Why I Left Platinum Partnership



Today I’m sharing a big, big secret. And no, it’s not whether I want to be wealthy now or wealthy later (spoiler alert: you can be both!), but it has a lot to do with how I answer that question. This year I said “no” to a pretty big investment because I’m focused on asking myself whether I want to be wealthy now, or wealthy later. This is a question we ask ourselves a lot as business owners. Should we spend the money now and invest in this mastermind or that coach? Or should we set it aside and save it for the future of our business? That’s a pretty loaded question. Today’s episode is all about finding the answer to that question by looking to your higher self. Too many times our ego gets in the way. Sometimes it blocks our view without us even knowing! And that’s a dangerous spot to be in. Because all our ego cares about is RIGHT NOW. Our higher self, on the other hand, is better at seeing the big picture and more willing to make the sacrifices to realize that vision. If you’ve had a hard time checking your