Faith Talks

081 - Know Thy Adversary Part 5



Part 5 The enemy has no power in the earth without a person in a flesh-and-blood body submitting to him, and the way that he deceives people into submitting to him is through THOUGHTS. If the enemy can deceive us into thinking his thoughts, our words and actions will follow, and that's when we will start cooperating with the devil, or give him an "open door". God has put certain spiritual laws into place that are designed to work for us and benefit us. But if we cooperate with the devil through our words and actions, these spiritual laws will work against us and we expose ourselves to the law of sin and death. This week we will begin to look at some of the ways we can give the devil an "open door". When we know his tactics and schemes we can take action to never fall for them or give him access ever again!