Bethesda Shalom

Setting the Sale to the Wind – Paul M. Williams



Psalm 127:1 Before the invention of the engine, there were only two ways to power a sea vessel; by human power or by nature’s power.  You could row a boat or sail a boat!!  Without a doubt, rowing involves far more effort on the part of man than does sailing.  Those oars must be pulled through the waters at speed enough to create a drag that propels the boat forward. Stop rowing and the boat stops with it!  On the other hand, a sailing boat is oarless, and the means by which it is propelled is not by hand, but by the wind.  The art of sailing is setting the sail to the wind!!  The Western Church functions today like a rowing boat.  Its source of propulsion is based upon the principle of human power. Rowing strength is the model upon which it is founded.  Oh, how we need a divine interruption into the mundane affairs of Churchianity! How we need so desperately to see the utter futility of our endless Church activities in the absence of the presence of God the Holy Ghost!!!  Oh, how we need the fresh wind of re