Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Wrapping up Hamvention with a New Hams Perspective



We've talked a great deal about Hamvention over the last few weeks, and we're gonna wrap it up here today! Chris Purdy and I have been friends for years and he surprised me a few months ago when he volunteered to tag along on the drive to Xenia. Chris is a Shiny New Ham Radio Operator, and he'd never been to a hamfest before...so why not Hamvention! Maybe a little overwhelmed at the onset, he quickly came around and is now making plans to go back next year! Give the show a listen for a "New Guys" perspective on the event. From initial impressions, things learned and friends made, Chris and I break it all down for you including some insider info from behind the scenes of the Ham Radio 360 Hamvention Team.             I finish up with some final thoughts on the event, the location, new sponsors, and next years plans. Icom: Hams to Japan 4Z1UG-Eric Guth, QSO Today Podcast Linux in the Hamshack = Cale Crashes Live Recording! Bob and Gordo on Ham Nation AREDN Katie Allen WY7YL Neil Rapp Ham Talk Li