Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 105: How do I achieve work-life integration?



How do we integrate work-life balance when the workplace is becoming more agile than ever?It's unrealistic to expect others to give us a step-by-step guide onto how to be more productive. Instead, we can look to others for a starting point, a framework, a mindset shift that we can begin applying to our own life. How we do one thing is how we do everything. This isn't another podcast telling you to wake up at 4AM, take a cold shower, and meditate to become a stronger performer. While those things may work, it's more important to identify what resources motivate you to build better habits, what de-motivates you, and so on. If you've been wondering how to approach productivity and performance in a sustainable way, this is the episode for you. In this week's episode, we are joined by our guest guest, Wiley McGraw, the founder of Radical Performance Acceleration. For well over a decade now he’s been behind-the-scenes doing life-altering work with powerful CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Public Figures acceler