Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

472 Richard Hill ~ Adventures in Stealth Camping



I'm excited to introduce this week's guest, Richard Hill, otherwise known as Day Tripper. I first discovered him earlier this year when I was looking for videos on the Coast to Coast. From there, I started watching his other videos about his outdoor adventures. I was particularly interested in his videos on stealth camping. This is a type of wild camping that’s commonly done in more urban or semi-urban environments, where the aim is to go unnoticed. I’ve been wanting to try this for myself, so I thought I’d get more tips from an expert before getting started. There’s some great advice about stealth camping in this episode, and I hope it inspires you to give it a try.    About Richard Hill Richard has a busy stressful job managing properties on Regent Street and found he needed to find time out each week to recharge his batteries. So just over 2 years ago Day Tripper was born where he heads out for an outdoor mini adventure every week. Sometimes it’s hiking part of a long-distance footpath, other times it’s wi