Animation Addicts Podcast - Animated Movie Reviews & Interviews For Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar & Everything In Between!

033 The Adventures of Tintin - Relax, I Interviewed A Pilot Once



Morgan and Chelsea are flying solo as they talk about fast-paced, adventure film, The Adventures of Tintin. Join these Tintin newbies as they learn about and dive into the world of Tintin. Highlights: ■ New writers on the website, partnership with Animated Views, Anna and Elsa to join the official Disney princess lineup, Cars 3 and the Disney Shareholder meeting. ■ History of The Adventures of Tintin and the Author/creator Hergé (excuse our pronunciation). ■ Find the cartoons on Netflix! Get a free trial HERE. ■ Main Discussion: The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by Peter Jackson. ■ Mind boggling photo-real animation (motion capture) from the start. ■ Belgium/At sea: introduced to Pickpocket side story, introduced to Captain Haddock (Oh dear). ■ Haddock’s hallucination in the desert (due to the lack of alcohol). ■ The secret of the Unicorn: Gotta love a good story about pirates and their gold treasure. Never gets old (seriously, it doesn’t). ■ Milanes