Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 137: She-Hulk Comics



Because the She-Hulk Disney+ series is set to release soon, we thought it would be fun to do a little pregame reading and talking about the character and her comics. Between the two of us, we've read a variety of She-Hulk comics in our lifetimes, and several specifically for this podcast. The comics discussed in this episode include her very first appearance by Stan Lee and John Buscema, early issues of the John Byrne run, part of the Dan Slott run, the first part of the Charles Soule and Javier Pulido run, the entire Mariko Tamaki run, and Jason Aaron's World War She-Hulk storyarc from his Avengers run. As you can see, it's a veritable smorgasbord of She-Hulk comics. Most of these comics didn't feel like they warranted the depth of discussion and analysis that we often like to engage in on our podcast, but we also talk about the concept of the character, and what works and doesn't work. If you have any favorite She-Hulk comics, feel free to let us know in the comments, or shoot us a message! We also have a