Hanson Mcclain's Money Matters

Advice on life insurance, an in-depth discussion about Social Security, and do bear and bull markets matter?



On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat explain whether long-term investors should worry about bear and bull markets.  A caller wants to know whether it’s appropriate to ask how their advisor manages money.  Pat and Scott take an in-depth look at Social Security, one of the most talked about financial topics.  Finally, honest advice for a Colorado man with a question about life insurance.    Join Money Matters:  Get your most pressing financial questions answered by Allworth's CEOs Scott Hanson and Pat McClain live on-air! Call 833-99-WORTH. Or ask a question by clicking here.  You can also be on the air by emailing Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.