Keshia M White's Podcast

How I Made My First $100,000 in Business



Last month, I passed the $100,000 in revenue mark, since making the decision to leave my 9-5 in late 2018. I don’t share the number to brag or anything like that. But I wanted to open up about how I did it with the hope that it inspires more black women and men to take their entrepreneurial aspirations seriously…because when you take YOURSELF seriously, your results will show for it.In the episode, I explain that I know I could’ve hit this milestone a lot sooner, but I let my mindset hold me back from going as hard on my business as I should have and I just didn’t take myself seriously an entrepreneur. So because of that, I didn’t make $100,000 from my business until six years after I first got my business idea.It certainly doesn’t have to take that long for you if you decide to take yourself seriously right now and you put in the WORK to execute the right strategies to lead to a profitable business. So in this episode, I’m sharing the top strategies that helped me reach $100K fairly quickly, in a little unde