Ep 44: What the Fast Expansion of ”Build For Rent” Means for Property Management Companies



The concept of Build For Rent housing & rental management is changing the landscape of the property management industry. In the past few years, Build For Rent communities have skyrocketed across the US as renters left large metros in search of the space offered in a Single Family home. Strata SFR has quickly become a national leader in the fast expanding "Build For Rent" segment of property management. So, we sat down with Lee Hoffman who works directly with Build For Rent projects at Strata SFR to learn the ins and outs of what this segment expansion means for Property Management companies nationwide.    This podcast is brought to you by Latchel & Rent Manager.  Rent Manager is an advanced property management software built for residential, commercial, and short-term portfolios of any size. With a fully open API and the most robust list of integrations in the industry, Rent Manager is the most flexible and customizable software out there. Learn more at