Starseed Radio Academy

My Faery Soul Awakening



Diomira Rose D’Agostino has devoted the last 15 years to allyship between the Faery and Human realms. Her work has taken her to places of mystical power all over the world where she facilitated land and lineage healings across multiple timelines while also building the New Earth infrastructure of ley lines, grids and inner-earth star temples to support awakening consciousness from the inside out. Diomira has activated and embodied the living faery codes as a healing medicine frequency in service to Gaia and humanity. She offers these codes of enchantment to open faery portals of holy remembrance to awaken you into embodied mythic reality in her new book, Initiation: My Faery Soul Awakening.  The heart of her work is as Keeper of New Avalon, a multi-dimensional community within the Blue Ridge mountains. Woven within the sacred ecology of New Earth, New Avalon is anchored by a star temple garden, surrounded by an enchanted forest, and sourced from the Well of Light. Here she communes and listens at the Well’s e