Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep458 UnDeniable Mentality



To be undeniable means you will not be denied. Being Undeniable is a mindset. This doesn't just happen. It is built on a foundation of always doing the hard thing first. Always stepping up when the shit hits the fan. Taking the tough road out so the ride home can be enjoyed. Everyone knows a person in their life who always takes the easy road, bails out when the going gets tough and never sees their commitments through to the end. This is the opposite of Undeniable. In this episode we go DEEp into how you can develop or strengthen your Undeniable spirit and mentality. Want to learn more? Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: We are accepting applications for the Coach Glass Mentorship Fall 2022 Class. Interested? Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to