Leadership Revealed

How To Leave A Legacy



In this episode, John wanted to talk about something he hasn’t spoken about much before in the podcast…leaving a legacy. Many people get into business for the here and now and don’t always think about the long game. What are your goals with the business? What will happen to the business when you’re no longer around? We need to think about these things. John talks about the meaning of legacy, generational wealth and how to successfully pass on the torch to your next generation. Are you thinking long term? Tune into this episode for advice on how you should be teaching your children to take over the business…successfully.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Preparation is key. Leaving a business legacy to your children means you must teach and prepare them for things they will come up against in life. No one will be as passionate about your business as you. However, if you can pass on the torch successfully and show the next generation why the business is important, you will get somebody who is as closely passionate about it.