Blerd Vision

EP194: She-Hulk, Toxic Feminism and House of the Dragon Review



A world weary Blerd returns with his buddy Jefferey Raze to review She-Hulk, Toxic Feminism, House of the Dragon and chew bubblegum... and we're all out of bubblegum. Strap in for a 3 hour discussion about She-Hulk, the current state of fandom, rampant toxic feminism in our culture, and also House of the Dragon is pretty good. Lol. Full episode breakdown below: EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 0:00:47 - The fall of fandom and rise of toxic feminism 0:32:00 - She-Hulk Review / Therapy (Episodes 1 & 2) 2:21:00 - House of the Dragon Episode 1 Review 3:03:00 - News of the Week (New Power Rangers?!) If you enjoyed this week's episode be sure to leave an iTunes review or send us an email at! If you've missed us or want us to return for more regular episodes be sure to send us an email and we'll read it aloud on the next show!