Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Denise Cooper on toxic vs. growth oriented peer-to-peer feedback (Ep. 108)



How do you know if your organization is ready to give peer-to-peer feedback? How does feedback delivery need to be adjusted for remote vs. in person environments? Often times, organizations will launch a new peer-to-peer feedback initiative, without first training employees on what good feedback looks like and feels like. Toxic feedback is much more damaging to workplace morale than a culture where no feedback is given at all. However, we know that once we nail giving and receiving healthy feedback - organizations thrive. If you're wondering how to assess where your organization is at in terms of maturity around peer-to-peer feedback, this is the episode for you. Our host, Denise Cooper is interviewed by Alexa Greer on the ins and outs of feedback best practices to bring feedback conversations from "Ouch" to "Oh my". THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWHow do you assess if your organization is ready for peer-to-peer feedback? What is your maturity around feedback? [3:55] Skilled feedback vs unskilled feedbac