Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#87: Should You Hire Someone Else to Run Your Company?



If you started a company, you probably have the personality of an entrepreneur. Which means you don’t like running day-to-day operations! Visionaries are at their best when they can dream up ideas and launch new initiatives – not when they are bogged down in the details of running an operation. It makes sense for entrepreneurs to run things for a while, but it can end up hurting your business and frustrating your team if you stay in that seat too long.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks to Toby Walters, Owner and founder of ChurchGear, a company that certifies and resells used AV equipment to churches. Toby knows he isn't the best operator for his business and is struggling to find someone he can trust (and pay!) to take over. Listen in as Don talks through exactly how to craft a clear job description for the role, what kind of person to look for, and how to set the relationship up for success.   Learn more about Toby Walters and his company at   --   TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT