Live Trading Talk With Oliver Velez

Drills That Will Instantly Elevate Your Trading - Part 1



In the first segment of this all important broadcast, Oliver Velez delves into the indispensable nature of drills and the role they play in a trader's development. He every so eloquently takes the listener on a journey into the world of thought and its many inefficiencies and reveals how well crafted drills are designed to eliminate the need for the trader to think. According to Oliver Velez, thinking has very little place in the trading process and it is through the practice of drills that one begins to go beyond thought to enter into pure, direct action, which should always stem from the state of knowing. "Action that stems from thought is weaker and more ineffective than action that stems from knowing," says Oliver. He further adds, "Traders should only risk money on what they know, not on what they think because in the heat of the market moment, the trader often does not have the time to sit and ponder what the right choices might be." He continues, "This is why the military, the airline industry for pil