You May Contribute A Verse

Nothing BUTT Jocelyn Rish!



This is the podcast You May Contribute a Verse, where we talk to kidlit creators, share their stories, and learn from their journeys. Is this a nonfiction podcast? I’ve never thought about it that way, but the more we talked to today’s guest Jocelyn Rish about her book Battle of the Butts – and her journey into nonfiction – the more we realized that we’re here just like Jocelyn, to inform and educate, but also to entertain and laugh! Jocelyn’s been writing for a long time. Like many of us, she’s written a lot that she’s back-pocketed, and like many of us should strive to, she’s found some really fun success by staying open to inspiration, and affectionately pinching inspiration’s butt when it came a-calling. Battle of the Butts is what’s resulted, followed at the end of this year by its semi-sequel, the nonfictional Battle of the Brains. There’s so much to this chat that’s just pure delight. I’m really happy to share Jocelyn’s journey through self-discovery, publication, self-promotion, nerding out with scien