Shane Plays

Champions RPG with George MacDonald - Episode 261 - 9/9/2022



Champions superhero RPG co-creator (and HERO Games co-founder) George MacDonald with guest co-host Michael Stewart (Victorious RPG creator; Save For Half and The Crusader podcasts co-host). The origins of Champions from the why, to the playtesting to the launch and beyond. Was the initial reception to Champions disappointing or encouraging? George came out of wargaming and his RPG mechanics reflects that. Did early players prefer to play licensed characters or their own superheroes? Crunchy versus streamlined game mechanics. Estimating the damage between wet and dry avalanches. Why did George decide to do superheroes for his first RPG game genre? The difference in adventure structure between RPG genres (fantasy, cyberpunk, superheroes). Some of the business thinking behind printing a game and creating a company (two different things!). Game distributors dangled the carrot a lot back in the day. The great Hero Games Box Shuffle of the Early Eighties. A speed round of Champions questions for George from Faceboo