Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Becoming Comfortable with the Discomfort of Transitions



I can’t tell you how many times after I’ve thrown my hands up and said, “I’m done” things started to fall into place. Our guest, visual artist and best-selling author, Karen Kinney, shares, among other things, her wisdom with us on, “why it all falls into place in moments of surrender” from her latest bestseller Doorways to Transformation: Everyday Wisdom for the Creative Soul. In our conversation, we talk about how change only happens when we dismantle fear, plus• How to trust your inner authority and take radical responsibility,• Why it is essential to abandon the search for how life works,• Ways to create peace and or ‘settledness’ by learning to be okay with the unresolved,And, so much more…More About Our Guest: Karen Kinney is the author of two books, a visual artist, freelance writer, and teacher living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She has pursued a multifaceted art and writing career, exhibiting her artwork nationally and internationally, and her articles and essays have appeared in numerous publi