Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Living Fully On Your Own Terms with Autoimmune



Sharon Sayler welcomes Sonia Trejo from the Alchemy of Hope and Healing to Life Interrupted Radio’s Autoimmune Series. Sonia is a certified Health and Wellness Coach, patient advocate and a Master Core Energy Leadership Coach. She is also a certified Pilates instructor, a certified personal trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Nutrition Consultant. And, Sonia is someone who has been there…. She has been living with Multiple Sclerosis since 1995, and continues to defy the statistics given her diagnosis — having been told that she would be in a wheelchair and blind within ten years, to this day, 20+ years later, she maintains an active and physical lifestyle. From her personal experience and immense education in the field of healing the mind-body-spirit Sonia now shows her client’s how they can live well with autoimmune too. You will discover:• The immense benefits that integrating your mind, body and spirit have on healing• Top mistakes to avoid when figuring out what’s wrong with you    •