Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Is Your Story Holding You Back?



Life Interrupted Radio welcomes Michael Rubin, the founder of Marketing Anvil. Michael AM Rubin grew up as he says "being too skinny, too tall, the wrong color...". Well, any number of other reasons someone could think to bully him. Through all of that, he grew up happy being himself and he saw value in his beliefs. Michael will share with us:• How to be happy in and with your self• How to unravel your beliefs and rewrite your story• How to create your new story that opens you up to happiness and wholeness. • How to release being stuck believing others people’s stories most that start with; “You’re too….”Join Sharon Sayler, your host for Life Interrupted Radio this Friday evening September 11th at 7PM EDT to learn to banish those places where you story is holding you back