Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Exploring the Long-term Effects of Bullying like CPTSD, Anxiety, and Depression



Oh no, ‘zombie-feelings!’  Those feelings that we bury deep down inside…. Yet, when we bury feelings, they are almost always buried alive...and like a ‘zombie’ they will rise to ‘haunt’ us at the most inopportune time(s). Often when someone is bullied, the resulting difficult feelings, thoughts and emotions are often right under the surface of our public facade and create a lifetime of hardship that doesn't have to be.  Today's guest on Life Interrupted Radio is Alan Eisenberg from He shares with us how his own recovery from bullying led him to start Bullying Recovery, LLC, a company devoted to helping those who suffer from the long-term effects of bullying like Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), anxiety and depression.  Alan will also share with us how to understand our self "warts and all," how the "child-brain" can keep us stuck and how to overcome "chronic fight or flight."