Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Is that FEAR talking? How to get past those false fears



What the other “F” word can tell you when you listen….This week’s episode of Life Interrupted Radio is about fear, secrets, shame, guilt and our resistance to change even when we know the odds of getting our outcome is in our favor if we'd only take action. The last thing I want in life is to look back and say "If only...." What about you?Look, we are half way through the year — are you where you thought you would be? I’m not… If you're not either, could that 4-letter word “fear” be stopping you?If you even get a tiny twinge of “Well, maybe…” I encourage you to join me, Sharon Sayler, host of Life Interrupted Radio when I chat with Life Interrupted Radio's resident Health, Wellness and Life Coach Roberta Mittman on overcoming those fears that are keeping you stuck. Roberta’s always shares compelling "mind-vitamins" with us and tonight's episode is no different.  We look forward to once again hearing from the leader of a “quiet” revolution for women over 40 and her passion to spread the word that it’s never to