Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Divorce With Dignity: When Once Upon A Time Becomes Nevermore…



When Once Upon A time Becomes Nevermore.... What to do when the fairy tale ends.Let’s face it, even with rose-colored glasses leaving a relationship hurts. Hurts bad!  You can only cry in the shower while singing Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart so many times…  “Once upon a time I was falling in love…. Now I'm only falling apart. There's nothing I can do… a total eclipse of the heart. Once upon a time there was light in my life….”  As long as you keep replaying those old love songs from the past, the pain will stay the same so join host Sharon Sayler for this episode of Life Interrupted Radio where divorce recovery expert Kristen Darcy shows us five ways tostop the drama,pick yourself up,dust yourself off andcreate a new lifefilled with love and simple (simple isn't always easy) ways to move forward with confidence. Kristen’s Divorcing Intact Blog