Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Brand messaging mission statement and message methodology



A brand messaging mission statement or brand messaging mandate of sorts from Loren Weisman sharing his views from the culmination of his experiences and education that leads him to approach brand messaging this way. Brand messaging mission statement and message methodology is the topic and touch point for s8. E5. n128. of the Wait What Really OK brand messaging and opitic podcast.There is a Mission Statement shared in a famous movie that is titled as the things we think and do not say: the future of our business. In a little flip on words and a focus on brand messaging, I would call my Brand Messaging Mission Statement; the things we say and do not think… about. This is my brand messaging mission statement. My view on what I do and why I do it, as well as why I believe part of the root issue lays in how we say what we think we are supposed to say, what we are told to say and what to say in order to funnel, entice, and sell. Still, to me what is missing in the messaging of many is the authenticity, the autho